Doing By Viewing

Doing by viewingPresenters: Perez Muchunguzi, Extension Agronomist IITA & Boudy van Schagen, Knowledge Sharing Specialist, Bioversity International

Doing by viewing is a video-supported farmer training approach to enhance comprehension and learning. The Consortium for Improving Agriculture-based Livelihoods in Central Africa (CIALCA) supports NGOs and development organisations that are engaged in agricultural development, but require ready-made solutions that can be easily scaled out in the field. Technical innovation packages are provided to boundary partners and farmers’ organisations using a training-of-trainers model, supported by knowledge products and video to maximise learning and impact. Complex concepts and technologies can be quickly conveyed using local-language training videos developed and validated by CIALCA and RAB, thus saving time and reducing costs. Videos can be shown in-field using a laptop and a pico-projector, and knowledge retention is ensured by the provision of hard-copy factsheets and by saving soft copies of the videos on partners’ laptops, and on video-capable mobile phones.

Nov 4, 14:00 - 14:45
Room: Booth 2