Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, Rwanda (MINAGRI)
The mission of the Rwandan Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) is to initiate, develop and manage suitable programs of transformation and modernization of agriculture and livestock to ensure food security and to contribute to the national economy. In order to transform Rwanda into a knowledge-based economy, the Government of Rwanda integrated ICT in the Vision 2020 and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) to enable Rwanda leap-frog the key stages of industrialization and transform her agro-based economy into a service, information-rich and knowledge-based one that is globally competitive. ICT initiatives benefiting the agriculture sector include the Agricultural Management Information System (AMIS), an online exchange platform, “e-Soko”, a mobile and internet market information solution that allows farmers and consumers to access market information for agricultural products. In collaboration with RDB (Rwanda Development Board) and MYICT (Ministry of Youth and ICT), other related initiatives are being developed for effective and efficient agricultural service delivery.