Integra LLC

Integra globeIntegra LLC is an international development consulting firm and implementing partner for USAID’s Global Broadband and Innovations (GBI) Program. Integra provides highly specialized technical assistance to clients, primarily in the areas of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for Development and Economic Growth.
Integra’s staff has extensive experience in managing multiple projects under GBI in Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Tanzania, Indonesia, Colombia, Ukraine, Moldova, and Peru. Integra advises Universal Service and Access Funds (USAFs) on a range of ICT-related topics to expand broadband access, improve regulatory policy and facilitate public-private partnerships. Recent work includes supporting Kenya’s development of their National Broadband Strategy, assisting BAPPENAS (the national planning agency of Indonesia) on the development of a new strategic approach for managing Indonesia’s universal service funds, and supporting Colombia’s COMPARTEL with a strategic plan for extending broadband connectivity for rural users. Other ICT-related work includes conducting broadband access gap analyses, drafting national broadband strategies, and performing country-specific research and development on the ICT sector.