CKW Search System

CKWPresenter: Charles Marc Wanume, Quality Analyst, Grameen Foundation AppLab

The CKW (Community Knowledge Worker) search system allows a CKW to submit questions from farmers about their farming activities. A menu-based system displays different available categories of CKW Search content on a mobile phone screen and the CKW chooses the option he/she desires. A CKW will navigate a set of keywords, depending on which searches have already been conducted the answer will either be obtained locally on the device or remotely from the CKW Search back end. The CKW Search system consists of three major components; i) Mobile Client application, a CKW's entry-point into the system; ii) Server (back end) which consists of a database that stores keywords and response data, and a web server that handles incoming requests and writes against the database; and iii) Content Management web interface used by the Information Services team to add, remove, and update both keywords.

Nov 4, 11:30 - 12:15
Room: Booth 7