Enriched by the sessions of the preceding days and discussions therein, participants will join one of the three streams of the conference to discuss what they have discovered in terms of innovations in ICTs for agriculture, what they have noted as useful and applicable, and how lessons learnt and shared are shaping what needs to be done in advancing ICT applications in ARD.
The three streams are (i) emerging innovations in ICTs supporting ARD (ii) Capacity strengthening and stakeholder empowerment for improved livelihood and engagement in ARD processes, and (iii) enabling environments for the agricultural sector to maximise benefits from ICTs.
The stream-coordinating organisations will be facilitating the discussions, relying on the documentation captured by the Knowledge Management and Social Reporting teams, as well as the rapporteurs and chairpersons of the sessions. The three groups will aim to conclude on a series of actions that need to be envisaged for the agenda of each stream to be pushed forward such that it contributes towards achieving inclusive value chains, enabling environments and advancing innovations in the field of ICT4Ag.
The main recommendations from the streams will be merged into conference recommendations as a vision for collaboration among partners present and those involved in ICT4Ag.
Nadia Thomas-Manning
Knowledge Sharing in Research specialist, CGIAR ICT-KM
Pete Cranston
Information, Knowledge, ICT and Social Media Consultant, Euforic Services
Nancy White
Communications, social media and organisational development consultant, Full Circle Associates
Chris Addison
Senior Programme Coordinator Knowledge Management, CTA
Ewen LeBorgne
Knowledge Sharing and Communication Specialist, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Rebecca Enonchong
Founder and CEO at AppsTech
Lucie Lamoureux
Independent knowledge management (KM) consultant, KM4D Associates
Krishan Bheenick
Senior Programme Coordinator, Knowledge Management, Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA)