The 2013 international conference looks at how ICTs are truly empowering producers and consumers along entire value chains, providing a springboard to opportunities giving a voice to the voiceless and leaving no smallholder behind. It will showcase the exciting possibilities and incredible developments taking place in this area.
ICTs are among the most effective drivers of agricultural growth and transformation in ACP countries. In this context, the international conference ‘ict4ag’ will be a key milestone in promoting the application of ICTs in the agricultural sector and will place a particular emphasis on value chains, advocacy and policy development.
ICT4Ag is cohosted by The Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA) and the Rwandan Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI). It is co-organised by an impressive array of partners listed below.
The conference organisers, in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources, the Ministry for Youth and ICTs and Rwanda Telecentre Network plan to arrange a range of field trips that will allow delegates to experience ICTs in action in the domain of agriculture. More information to follow.
Alongside the conference from 5-7 November several parallel events are being planned. More information on these will be published shortly.
The list of speakers will be published shortly. They come from across Africa, the Caribbean and Pacific and further afield and are some of the leading thinkers, innovators and entrepreneurs in the area of ICTs for development.