Presenter: Luz Marina Alvare, Head of Knowledge Management, Communications and Knowledge Management Division, International Food Policy Research Institute
Mendeley is a combination of a desktop application and a website which helps you manage, share and discover both content and contacts in research. IFPRI’s experience with this tool has proven successful and impactful as it facilitates collaborative adding and tagging of papers, is interconnected with social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, and can provide readership statistics. Furthermore, it allows authors to create and embed bios on other sites and portals, which give the author control over what information is displayed about them, as they can update it at will. IFPRI utilised Mendeley’s group platform to create a collaborative bibliography group of research publications relevant to one of IFPRI’s 2011 conferences entitled, ‘Agriculture, Nutrition, and Health.’ This group continues to provide a space for publication sharing and online discussions.