Field Trip 5 (Southern Province): Gisagara Business Centre –Smart Village Gisagara – Weather Station – National Museum ( Huye)

Gisagara Business Centre: provides similar services to CICA.

Gisagara Weather Station: MINAGRI has put in place an agri-cultural insurance programme, insuring farmers against dry weather and excess rain. A weather station that captures infor-mation related to the weather events is in place, providing insur-ance companies with accurate weather information.

Smart Village Gisagara: a Rwandan government project at vil-lage level at the disposal of all citizens located in the rural area. Among the ICT tools offered, many are related to the agricultural sector such as Tunga TV (enabling citizens to own television sets).

National Museum (Huye)

Nov 8, 08:00 - 16:00
Room: Southern Province