Lessons Learned in Creating Enabling Environments for ICTs

Organised by: UNDP, CTA

The panel will focus on the overarching policies that should be in place to enhance human development via ICTs and innovations. Panellists will identify synergies at national and local levels that can lead to the scalability and replicability of successful initiatives, on a multi-stakeholder basis.

  • What are the roles of regional and continental institutions in providing an enabling environment to maximise the benefits of ICTs?
  • What policies are required to create and support an innovation environment?
  • Are the current policies supporting innovation and the use of ICTs for development?
  • How do we bring together stakeholders to create a sustainable ecosystem that includes health, agriculture and other economic areas to achieve global developmental goals?
  • Can other countries replicate efforts, successes from best practice & expertise? What lessons have been learnt from other regions?
  • What are the major challenges and gaps?
  • What challenges confront you right now that another stakeholder in the room (CSO, private sector, government, academia etc.) may be engaged in addressing?
  • What are the challenges and obstacles to scaling up and replicating local initiatives?
  • What lessons can we learn from ICT for agriculture policy processes?
  • How can ICT for development policy in other sectors help ICT for agriculture strategy development?
  • In the process of sectoral e-strategy development, how can collaboration between the Ministry in charge of ICTs and Ministry in charge of other development sectors be improved? How can the impact of e-policy development be better assessed?
  • Specific cases to be discussed will address ICT for agriculture policy development, notably in Ivory Coast and in the Caribbean.
Nov 7, 10:30 - 12:00
Room: Kivu
Stream: Enabling Environments

Sessions Chair

Chair of the session is Gonzalo Aramayo-Careaga
e-Governance Research Analyst, UNDP

Implementation of ICT strategies in local government. Introduction/implementation of new technologies; Development of Web-based and Workflow applications; Staff performance management and career development; Facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing.

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Mobile applications for Human Development: What can we learn from the region?


Travis Heneveld

Account Director, United Nations Motorola

ICT for agriculture strategy development: What can we learn from other sectors

Many initiatives and projects are currently being implemented based on the consensus that policy areas like health care, agriculture, and environmental protection could benefit from the adoption of ICT. Nevertheless, many countries still lack sectoral e- strategies. While integrating ICT in other sectors and developing sectoral e-strategies are not an easy task, due to the different responsibilities of an administration and the involvement of diverse stakeholders groups, countries would benefit from ensuring policy coherence. The potential of ICT use in agriculture has not yet been recognized to its full extent. Strategic integration of ICT into different sectors such as agriculture is critical if we want to achieve scale especially when public and private resources for ICT are very limited. There are several lessons to be learned from other sectors such as governance, health, etc. that can be leveraged to take concrete steps towards this strategic integration.


Hani Eskandar

ICT Applications Coordinator, ITU

Aperçu du projet sectoriel e-agriculture en Côte d'Ivoire

Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) sont un vecteur de plus en plus important de la croissance économique. En effet, les TIC sont un facteur de développement économique, de bonne gouvernance, de compétitivité, de création d’emplois, de diffusion du savoir et d'amélioration de la fourniture de services divers. En vue de tirer parti de l’apport des TIC, l’Etat a décidé de définir une stratégie pour le développement et la modernisation de l’agriculture. Pour traduire en acte cette volonté politique, le Ministère en charge de la Poste et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication et le Ministère de l’Agriculture ont décidé de mettre en place un Comité Interministériel d’Experts ayant pour mission de définir et mettre en œuvre la stratégie nationale d’utilisation des TIC dans le secteur de l’agriculture dénommée e-Agriculture. 

La vision du Gouvernement est de rendre efficiente la mise en œuvre de la réforme du secteur agricole par le moyen des TIC. En effet les TIC ont bien souvent constitué un important levier dans l’amélioration des déterminants sectoriels et transversaux. Ils demeurent indéniablement l’un des instrumentsindispensables pour inscrire l’agriculture ivoirienne dans un développement durable notamment portée vers la préservation de l’environnement.L’ambition du Gouvernement est donc de faire des TIC l’une des forces motrices majeures dans la modernisation du secteur agricole ivoirien. 


Danon Henri

Deputy Director of ICT services, extension and e-agriculture, Ministry of Posts and ICTs

Infusing ICT into agriculture policies and sector

The need for ICT in all sectors is now a proven fact. Particularly, since innovation is essential for developing countries and in key 'growth' sectors - there is strong need for the use of ICT in said sectors.In the CARICOM region, there are existing policies for ICT and Agriculture.This represents a real opportunity for the Region.The challenge continues to be how to 'merge' the two sectors for real economic and social growth.


Jennifer Britton

Deputy Programme Manager, Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat