Smallholder farmers across ACP and beyond are key to meeting current and future food security demands. The increasing role of farmer organizations in empowering, engaging, and connecting other farmers is being recognised. With the ubiquitous use of ICTs in agriculture, there has been increased deployment of databases for farmers to facilitate resource flow to and from other stakeholders. Several models/approaches with electronic databases farmer organizations for use by development agencies, donors, service providers and other interested parties are being piloted and used.
ICTs are known to be enhancing connections among members of farmer organizations to share market information and technical know-how, get informed about the organization's activities, improve accounting and administration and give a stronger collective voice to members for advocacy.
This session takes various perspectives on database development from national levels and private sector approaches to address issues like: how to facilitate bottom-up processes that ensure capacity and use; which bottom-up capacity building processes ensure uptake and use of ICT solutions; and what has been learned about building sustainable capacity through database development?
Responsible for coordinating and managing knowledge activities and partnerships related to Capacity Development & Innovation in ICT-enabled Social Innovation processes
Bakary Diarra
Président, Comite Regional de Concertation des Ruraux (CRCR)
Gelico ou Gestion en Ligne des Coopératives Agricoles est une plateforme qui permet d'organiser les producteurs agricoles organisés en Coopératives en vue de les encadrer depuis la production jusqu'à la commercialisation de leurs produits agricoles.Gelico est une base de données qui permet de répertorier les producteurs agricoles, leurs parcelles, leurs coopératives respectives et leurs productions en vue de les proposer à la commercialisation en ligne.Cette plateforme est couplée à un site web qui est un espace de promotion des coopératives agricoles.Le Projet Gelico a été élu Prix spécial du Jury à la 1ère édition de la startup Week end Abidjan 2012.La Chambre d'Agriculture de Côte d'Ivoire s'appuie sur cette solution pour mener son opération d'identification des coopératives agricoles de Côte d'Ivoire en vue d'aboutir à un système de Gestion et de suivi en ligne des coopératives.
Ehui Khan Jean-Delmas
ICT Officer, Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Appliquées (CERA)
One important area of Geographic Information System (GIS) application is agriculture. The Ghana Agriculture and Value Chain Enhancement Program (ADVANCE), USAID funded Feed the Future initiative has successfully applied GIS to enhance the traceability of Nucleus Farmers (NFs) and their outgrowers. The farmers, through application of GIS, have been linked to agribusiness services and end markets, hence, enhanced their efficiency and productivity and commercial viability. Building on the success of ADVANCE program, this online GIS platform will make geospatial data and technology available to investors and other users, and help them make informed decisions based upon the information available on the platform. This online portal will help improve agriculture productivity by highlighting economic viability and gaps within the agriculture industry.The goal of this initiative is to help fill the data gap in Ghana’s agriculture industry and contribute to the overall goal of the agricultural transformation. Users of the online platform will be able to access agriculture related geospatial data needed for specific agriculture related projects.
Foster Mensah
Executive Director, Centre for Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Services (CERSGIS)
Mahamadi Rouamba
Coordinator, TICanalyse01